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Michelle Mayther

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Setting Sustainable Boundaries in your Business

    One of the best ways to manage your workload and energetic capacity is in the form of boundary setting. There are both internal and external boundaries, and an important part of green marketing is setting sustainable boundaries in your business so that you’re not wearing yourself out and sapping your energy.

    a stack of business documents and folders

    How to Stop Receiving Unwanted Junk Mail

      Even if you’ve got a big sticker on your postbox telling people that you don’t want to receive junk mail, you can still receive a lot of unwanted flyers. Here’s how you can stop receiving unwanted junk mail and save countless trees in the process!

      a team of sustainable business people working together on a big table

      What is the Digital Carbon Footprint?

        When you hear the phrase ‘Carbon Footprint’ you likely think of all those activities that produce carbon – such as flying, driving, or turning on your air conditioning all day. But did you know that there’s such a thing as a digital carbon footprint?

        A white label tag next to a leafy tree branch

        Common Misconceptions About Green Marketing

          Whether you’re new to the world of green marketing or you’ve been learning about it for a while, you might have noticed there are some common misconceptions about green marketing. Let’s address them, and hopefully, by the end of this blog, you’ll realize that green marketing is one of the most sustainable things you can do for yourself, your business, and the planet!

          a view of a dense green forest from the top

          10 Ways to Go Green With Your Marketing

            Starting down the path to make your business more sustainable can feel overwhelming if you try to do it all at once. Start with these 10 opportunities to go green with your marketing.

            A cardboard box labelled "Plastic Free", "Compostable", "Recycled", "Bio Degradable"

            What is Green Marketing?

              What is green marketing? Find out what it is and why green marketing is a good business decision for all businesses, not just those who label themselves as “sustainable.”